How does the media portray Wikileaks?

Monday 25 April 2011

The Guantanamo Bay files.

Over the past couple of days there has been a huge boom on twitter concerning WikiLeaks. The site has produced, in the last 24 hours, 92 Tweets! The majority of which are concerning the release of Guantanamo Bay files.

The unveiling of the Guantanamo files has obviously caused huge amounts of controversy, and as a result is featuring in the top headlines on most news websites! These files revealed that some prisoners are being held with a sparse amount of evidence, as well as children and elders who are being wrongfully held.

WikiLeaks released over 700 files about the world’s most famous prison and found that out of the 172 being detained many were being held on the ‘flimsiest of grounds’ (Guardian, 2011).

I believe that WikiLeaks has yet again surpassed itself; some of these people are innocent and being held just because they might know something of some value. Surely if the prisoners had been investigated properly they would have found out that these people were innocent?

It is thought that WikiLeaks have obtained these files ‘illegally’ (Guardian, 2011), which no doubt will cause another uproar against Assange and his employee’s!

To be continued...

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